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- Alcoholics cannot control their drinking habits and will often drink compulsively. Even when an alcoholic attempts to have only one or two drinks, they will typically find it impossible to stop and will wind up drinking much more than they anticipated.
- The chances of severe male-to-female physical aggression are 11 times higher on days when the male consumed alcohol.�''�''The chances of any male-to-female violence on days of heavy alcohol consumption by the male partners (drinking six or more drinks in 24 hours) are more than 18 times higher than days when the male did not consume alcohol.
- A study that was conducted by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), has determined that up to 63% of all falls that are treated in hospital emergency rooms are alcohol related.
- Young adults with serious alcohol problems may not be as likely to choose becoming married or having a child, and these milestones may not affect their drinking behavior to the same extent that they affect people with less problematic drinking practices.
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